
CSI offers free safety, security, and medical training opportunities for a wide range of audiences such as congregants, clergy, board leadership, staff, teachers, and volunteers. CSI welcomes participation from members of all faith communities to join scheduled training. See a description of trainings below.

If you are interested in hosting a training at your institution, please contact us.

Register for these upcoming trainings

Usher/Greeter Training

This session provides an overview of threats and a review of local security incidents. Participants are exposed to physical and procedural security concepts and learn about the key role individuals can play to improve — or degrade — security at their institution. 

Monday, September 11 | 4:00–5:30 p.m. | Temple Beth Sholom, Framingham

Tuesday, September 12 | 6:00–7:30 p.m. | Temple Israel, Sharon

Countering Active Threat Training

Countering Active Threat Training (CATT) offers a comprehensive training program to counter an active threat event, developed specifically for faith-based institutions and houses of worship.

Thursday, October 12 | 6:00–8:30 p.m. | Walnut Street Minyan, Newton

Interfaith Security Seminar

Join faith leaders and others for a discussion on faith and security, from hate crimes to promoting peace and justice in our communities.

Monday, February 24 | 6:00 – 8:30 p.m. | Salem, MA

Guardian Training

Learn skillsets that help you identify, protect, and respond to all hazards, building skills to enable you to be a more effective responder.

Stay tuned for more trainings!

BeAware Training

This in-person training improves situational awareness and provides the foundation for other security trainings.

Stay tuned for more trainings!

De-escalation Training

In this introductory session, you will learn basic strategies to identify aggressive behaviors and avoid physical harm.

Stay tuned for more trainings!

Combined BeAware and De-escalation Training

This training combines BeAware Situational Awareness with Introduction to De-escalation.

Monday, March 3 | 7:00 p.m. – 9:20 p.m. | Medford, MA

Tuesday, March 25 | 6:30 p.m. – 8:30 p.m. | Franklin, MA

Countering Active Threat Training

Countering Active Threat Training (CATT) offers a comprehensive training program to counter an active threat event, developed specifically for faith-based institutions and houses of worship.

Tuesday, April 1 | 6:30 p.m. – 8:00 p.m. | Franklin, MA

Interfaith Security Summits

CSI’s annual interfaith security summit with CSI, CCA, and local and federal law enforcement agency representatives introduces participants to key security concepts, managing swatting and bomb threats, hate crimes and civil rights, and more.

What people are saying

Indira Herscovici, AVP, JCC Early Learning Center, JCC of Greater Boston, discusses the relationship with CJP and the benefits of tailored trainings.
Ellen Chajes, Executive Director, Bais Yaakov of Boston High School, reflects on CSI responsiveness to the needs of Bais Yaakov.
BeAware Situational Awareness – 60 minutes

BeAware improves situational awareness and provides the foundation for security training—benefitting personal and organizational security. Participants learn to recognize suspicious or potentially dangerous behavior and learn what actions to take—whether in synagogue, at school, or going about your day. BeAware is designed for every member of the community and provides tools to help protect yourself, your family, your institution, and your community.

Topics Covered:

  • Enhancing Situational Awareness
  • Identifying Safety and security threats
  • Recognizing and reporting suspicious activity
  • Learning how to be an active participant in the safety of your community
De-Escalation Training – 60 minutes

De-escalation Training equips participants with the knowledge, skills, and techniques to defuse or reduce tension, hostility, or conflict and increase personal safety. The training is beneficial to volunteer greeters, synagogue staff, school staff, and anyone in an outward-facing role.

Topics Covered:

  • Identify the initial indicators of escalating behaviors, both verbal and non-verbal
  • Demonstrate de-escalation best practices to include active listening, empathizing, verbal diffusion, de-escalation phrases, non-confrontational body language, and facial expressions.
  • Develop techniques to manage personal emotions in challenging situations to maintain composure and clear thinking
  • Review of how cultural and mental health sensitivity can help de-escalation efforts
Combined BeAware and De-escalation Training – 140 minutes

This training combines BeAware Situational Awareness with Introduction to De-escalation. A short break is provided between the two sessions. Summer camps, Jewish Day Schools, ECE’s/preschools, and other organizations which serve particular segments of the population are encouraged to contact us directly at to inquire about, or schedule, training for staff.

Countering Active Threat Training – 90 minutes

Countering Active Threat Training (CATT) offers a comprehensive training program to counter an active threat event, developed specifically for faith-based institutions.

Topics Covered:

  • Differentiate between security and safety
  • Develop a better understanding of active threat incidents
  • Identify action steps during an active threat incident, such as Run, Hide, Fight
  • Prepare for an active threat event
  • Respond to law enforcement's arrival
  • Recognize the importance of additional training such as Stop the Bleed
  • Commit to action during an active threat event

This session includes a PowerPoint presentation, videos, and a 15-minute drill to reinforce central concepts.

We strongly recommend that participants attend BeAware Situational Awareness Training prior to attending Countering Active Threat Training.

Medical Training (CPR/AED and First Aid) – 4 hours

We are pleased to provide CPR/AED and first- aid training at no cost to Jewish organizations in the CJP Catchment Area. We also occasionally offer community CPR/AED and first-aid training at locations in the Greater Boston Area.

CPR/AED and first-aid training meet one time for four hours. Training class sizes may be limited based on instructor availability.

Stop the Bleed Medical Training – 90 minutes

This course will teach you how to save a life. Severe bleeding can cause death in three to five minutes. This interactive presentation will provide you with the knowledge and skills to locate, identify, and control significant blood loss in an adult or child. The skills portion gives each person hands-on training with the tools to accomplish hemostasis or stop the bleeding.

This course, in addition to CPR and first aid, allows you to be better prepared for critical life situations.

Guardian Training - 75 minutes

Guardians are staff members or “active bystanders” who take responsibility for the safety and security of themselves, their families, and community partner organizations.  This training focuses on mindset and concrete skill development that includes identifying suspicious people, vehicles, and packages—principles critical to protecting yourself, your family and our community institutions.  The training includes principles of what to do—and steps to take—to respond during emergency situations. 

Learn skillsets that help you identify, protect, and respond to all hazards, building skills to enable you to be a more effective responder—whether you are a staff member at a facility, a volunteer at a synagogue, or a participant in a community-wide event.

This course is designed for all community members with a special focus on the varied roles played by staff members at communal institutions.