CJP Winter Grant Application

Fiscal Year 2025

In CJP’s commitment to maintaining an open-door entry point for projects and organizations that are new or new to CJP, we are pleased to announce the opening of a FY25 winter grant application. These grants are designed to support organizations working within CJP’s catchment area that received less than $10k or no funding from CJP in FY25 (not including Communal Security Initiative grants).

The application is now open and will close on Friday, February 21. 

FY25 Winter Grant Application Process Overview 


  • Organization received less than $10k or no funding from CJP in FY25 (does not include Communal Security Initiative grants)
  • Organizations and/or programs working within CJP’s catchment area

Selection Process 
We will evaluate applications against the following criteria: 

  • Alignment with CJP Portfolio Grantmaking Objectives (see below)
  • Community reach – breadth and / or depth of engagement or support
  • Role in ecosystem, with priority given to organizations and programs that:
    • Reach underserved populations
    • Fill gaps in community engagement or support
    • Reduce barriers to engagement or support
  • Impact of/sustainability beyond CJP dollars, for example:
    • Grant fully funds the program and/or is there a clear plan in place to fill the funding gap
    • Effort is a one-time effort or there is a sustainability plan to fund the effort beyond this grant

Grants, ranging from $1,800–$18,000, will be determined considering the following factors:

  • Alignment with criteria above
  • Organization/program budget, other revenue sources, and funding gap
  • Potential role of FY25 CJP funding in meeting organization/program goals

CJP does not fund more than 20% of any organization’s operating budget or, with rare exceptions, more than 50% of a program or local budget (e.g., for national organizations). 


  • Wednesday, January 15: Application opens
  • Friday, February 21 (5:00 p.m.): Application deadline
  • Friday, April 11: Grant decisions communicated 

How to Apply

Click here to apply.

*Please note that you will not be able to save and return to your application. We recommend drafting responses in Microsoft Word before submission, so you do not lose your progress. Alternatively, you can use this offline Microsoft Word version of the application.

Please contact Dara Freedman-Weiss with any questions.

CJP’s Grantmaking Objectives

CJP Mission

CJP’s mission is to inspire and mobilize the diverse Greater Boston Jewish community to engage in building communities of learning that strengthen Jewish life and improve the world. For more information on our mission, core values, and the foundational commitments that guide our work (including around Israel), please see our newly released Core Commitments Statement. 

CJP Grantmaking: Our Vision for Success 

Through grantmaking, we are working towards a comprehensive landscape of thriving organizations serving the Jewish community in Greater Boston, Israel, and around the world – that leads to more people who are able and want to engage meaningfully in Jewish life.

Our Portfolios: Overview & Goals 

Caring and Social Justice

Care for our own Jewish community and “care Jewishly” for the Greater Boston community around us, focusing on supportive services, social justice, and inclusion. 

  • Caring for the Jewish Community: Build and strengthen a thriving ecosystem of supportive services for our Jewish community, such that more people feel included and are physically, emotionally, and economically secure.
  • Caring “Jewishly” for the Greater Boston Community: Broaden opportunities to bring a Jewish perspective to – and engage the Jewish community in – tackling Greater Boston's pressing societal issues, in order to foster connection to Jewish values, strengthen ties across lines of difference, and further our impact in and beyond the Jewish community​.

Israel and Global Jewry

Strengthen connections to and care for Jews in Israel and around the world. 

  • Connecting: Create connections, understanding, and caring between Jews in Greater Boston and Israel.
  • Strengthening: Strategically invest in a resilient, inclusive, and democratic Israel, with a focus on efforts that foster a shared society and cultivate strong, visionary leadership.
  • Global Caring: Identify targeted opportunities for our community to support the social, emotional, and/or physical welfare of Jews in Israel and around the world. 

Jewish Communal Life 

Broaden and deepen engagement in Jewish life and learning in Greater Boston across all life stages. 

  • Thriving Ecosystem: Nurture collaborative, highly effective, and diverse organizations and opportunities with dynamic and talented staff​.
  • Gaps and Barriers: Identify and prioritize gaps and barriers to engagement across the ecosystem and develop strategies and investments to address them. 